Monday, April 25, 2011

The I in Artist

Pathway oil 11 x 14
I have been feeling a little uncomfortable with how much the word "I" appears in my blog posts. But it did get me thinking.  Must an artist be comfortable with talking about themselves?  Can we successfully market our work and not have the conversation center around what we do and how we think?

Madeleine L'Engle wrote (to paraphrase) that all artists are "a paradoxical combination of arrogance and humility". There has to be some degree of "Hey, look at me" to decide to put your work out there.

I do know a couple of artists who make good work and are so introverted that it is virtually impossible to talk to them.  The work is good enough that it sells without the egocentric "I". I also know a few whose work perhaps does not sell as well as it could because they are uncomfortable talking about themselves in front of a crowd. And I know a few who sell well and aren't that good at the painting part, but very good at talking about their work. It is an interesting debate.


  1. Lovely one, Kate and good points in your post. I have just recently felt comfortable with saying "I am an artist." Some people have told me they even recognize my "style." Have entered my first art festival this summer and want to go plein air painting too. I have sold a few paintings to coworkers that were commissioned. These are all big steps for me. I wonder what it all means? It is a bit scary at times.

  2. Carol, I know many people who call themselves "painters" instead of "artists"--this usually takes more explaining though! The first big steps are scary, but getting the work out there is the most important thing. Sounds like you are making some good progress!

  3. A blog is more personal that an article in a magazine, and "I" is probably ok, if not expected. People want to get to know you better and feel a connection, and sharing something of yourself will do that. While yes, it is marketing your work, it is different somehow....

  4. Joanne, True, it is a bit different and good practice for an introvert like me. Allows you to talk about your ideas without having to actually be physically in the room with someone (or hear them boo you right away)!!!
