Sunday, July 31, 2011

Making the Ordinary Extraordinary

Across the Divide oil 36 x 30
Artists are supposed to be the ones with imagination.  A good part of our job description is to get people to use theirs.
--Robert Genn
If I could write a job description for the art profession, it would probably include something about making the ordinary extraordinary.  The best artists make the viewer use their senses in a new way.  They take the everyday and make it special.  They make the viewer notice the small things. They paint not objects, but subjects. They cause you to pause for a moment during a busy day. They tell stories.  They allow their viewers tell their own stories. They use skills that, in themselves, are quite ordinary to produce a kind of magic that can be awe-inspiring, thought-provoking, uncomfortable, noble, ambitious, curious, and commanding.

Our job is to expand upon the world--to make some kind of order out of chaos. A skill that is rather extraordinary.


  1. Kate, this painting is beautiful and I love your view on the job description. Nice blog as usual and I always look forward to seeing your work and reading what you have to say about it.

  2. Hi Kathryn,

    Thanks for continuing to tune in. It's funny, "job description" isn't usually something that comes up for artists like it would an office worker. It definitely is a less defined job, but a job nonetheless!
