Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just Start

Renewal oil 12 x 12
 As I am new to blogging, I have a list of ideas that I would like to write about at some point.  I sat down to write today and reviewed the list and realized none of the ideas were really speaking to me, not one stood out as a good place to start writing.  I had even forgotten what I was thinking about when I wrote some of the ideas down.

The same thing happens to me sometimes at the start of my painting day.  I have limitless materials that I have been thinking about painting and not one of them speaks to me. Or all of them do and I freeze up choosing which one to start with.  Or I've forgotten why I even pulled a photograph to begin with.  As a result, I lose my focus and begin to procrastinate--usually this means running through my photo files for hours on end.

So, the only thing to do is START.  Start painting something. Start writing something. Show up. Usually the rest works itself out. I have found that soon after I have started, an unconscious process kicks in and suddenly I am only wrapped up in what I am doing that moment.  The act of creation is good that way.

I started this painting this morning in honor of Spring.


  1. I am enjoying your blogging VERY MUCH! Seems like your doing just great with your writing and keeps me coming back the next day.

  2. Thanks Kathryn! It is good to know that the writing keeps you coming back. I'm going to keep plugging away at it!
